VET Ally

VET Ally’s mission is to provide military-connected students with a welcoming and supportive environment where they can pursue their academic, personal, and professional goals. The MAVRC accomplishes this mission by equipping Georgetown community members with no direct connection to the military with the training and resources necessary to create a supportive and military-inclusive campus.

The Vet Ally seminar provides our campus with a visible network of knowledgeable supporters of military-connected students. The seminar describes the national-level challenges of the military community and the demographic characteristics of Georgetown’s military-connected students. Additionally, the seminar provides Allies with critical resources and allows participants to work through real-world scenarios they might encounter daily. Some topics paint wide brushes, so we encourage VET Allies to continue learning about military-connected student issues in higher education by connecting with the Military and Veterans’ Resource Center and participating in other campus programs.

Participants are provided with a handbook that serves as a resource to assist them in supporting the military-connected community. VET Allies are also issued a decal to display in their office or space to highlight that the space is military-friendly.

Vet Ally Training is typically held on the main campus at the Healey Family Student Center Social Room on the week of Veterans Day, November 11th.